• Today : 2025/03/10

New Science club

New Science Club of Semnan University Science and Technology Park (Children Science Park) equipped with unique educational tools, located in a pleasant and joyful environment for obtaining personal experience and skills, and is the best site for informal education, also a very important supplement for formal educations of students.

It is trying to choose some equipment in this club that provides visitors with opportunities to enjoy organized and targeted direct understanding of scientific concepts. Therefore, the following subjects have been chosen a9 the main basis of training:


-  Robotic and Pneumatic

- Light, Laser and Stroboscope

-Music and Sound

-Mirrors and Lenses

- Electricity and Electromagnetics

Applied Mathematics and Statistics -


اطلاعات تماس

  • Address: Semnan University Science & Technology Park, Javan Blvd., Estandard Sq., Semnan, Iran. Zip Code: 35351-59315
  • Phone: +9823-33605005
  • Email: info@sustp.ir