• Today : 2025/03/10
Page Number :1
The Biatech startup event was held.

The Biatech startup event was held.

The closing ceremony of the Biatek startup event was held in the presence of the officials of Semnan University Science and Technology Park, Semnan Governor's Office and some managers and officials of Semnan Province in Shahid Pazouki Hall of Science and Technology Park and the winners of this event were honored.

Visit of the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly

Visit of the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly

Dr. Seyed Mohsen Dehnavi, a member of the Presidium of the Islamic Consultative Assembly and Chairman of the Knowledge-Based Economy Faction, together with Dr. Abbas Golroo, a representative of the honorable people of Semnan, Mahdishahr and Sorkheh, visited the Science and Technology Park of Semnan University and technology companies.

The Innovation Center was inaugurated.

The Innovation Center was inaugurated.

Semnan University Science and Technology Park Innovation Center was inaugurated with the support and presence of Dr. Sorena Sattari, Vice President for Science and Technology and his accompanying delegation and officials of Semnan province.

    اطلاعات تماس

    • Address: Semnan University Science & Technology Park, Javan Blvd., Estandard Sq., Semnan, Iran. Zip Code: 35351-59315
    • Phone: +9823-33605005
    • Email: info@sustp.ir