• Today : 2025/03/10


duties and authorities:

- Prepare and propose policies, policies and strategic plan of the park for the plan in the park council and the board of trustees

- Propose policies, policies and criteria for recruitment, acceptance, deployment, how to support and revoke the establishment of technology units to the Park Council for approval within the approval of the Board of Trustees

- Managing all park affairs and supervising their proper implementation in accordance with the statutes and resolutions of the Board of Trustees and the Park Council

- Proposing the organizational structure and organization of the park for the plan in the park council and the board of trustees

- Recruit and employ manpower to carry out park missions within the framework of relevant laws and regulations

- Appointment and dismissal of park deputies and managers based on the organizational structure and approved organization of the park

- Signing contracts, binding documents, financial, administrative documents, tax exemptions, customs, insurance, legal and park correspondence within the framework of park rules and regulations

- Propose the establishment or dissolution of growth centers, scientific service centers, technology, innovation and other types of units needed for discussion in the Park Council

- Submit a report on the performance of growth centers, scientific service centers, technology, innovation and other units to the park council

- Ensuring the interests and protection of the rights of the park in legal authorities (including judicial, executive, administrative, etc.) and responding to these authorities on behalf of the park

- Implement the resolutions of the Board of Trustees and the Park Council within the framework of relevant laws and regulations

- Issuing a permit for the establishment of applicant technology units in the park and proposing its cancellation to the council based on the relevant criteria

- Presenting the detailed annual budget of the park in compliance with the provisions of the financial and transaction regulations of the park and observing the structure of the university budget after the approval of the park council to the board of trustees and supervising how the detailed budget is spent on the park.

- Permanent monitoring and evaluation of the activities of technology units within the framework of rules and regulations and submitting reports to relevant authorities

- Submit a report on Yalaneh Park's performance to the Park Council, the Board of Trustees and the Ministry

- Opening of bank and non-bank accounts and proposing the holders of authorized signatures to the presidency of the university in accordance with the rules and regulations approved by the Board of Trustees

- Offer to obtain a loan or credit, borrowing from banks, organizations, companies and governmental and non-governmental institutions to the Park Council and the Board of Trustees

- Follow-up of design, executive and civil operations of construction and development of banks

اطلاعات تماس

  • Address: Semnan University Science & Technology Park, Javan Blvd., Estandard Sq., Semnan, Iran. Zip Code: 35351-59315
  • Phone: +9823-33605005
  • Email: info@sustp.ir