• Today : 2025/03/10

Intellectual Property Office

The Intellectual property and patent office has initiated its activity since 2009 at the same time with the beginning of SUSP’s activity. This office has continued its activity as the regional reference of intellectual property from Julye 2013.
 The main activities of this office includs:

1-     Facilitating the process of arbitration for inventors.
2-     Exploring the inquired ideas and issuing the patent certificate.
3-    Financial and intellectual support from inventors and innovators domestically and abroad.
4-    Advising and informing the inventors verbally and virtually.
5-    Evaluating the patented plans and issuing the scientific certificate for them.
6-    Holding the patent training courses and workshops.

اطلاعات تماس

  • Address: Semnan University Science & Technology Park, Javan Blvd., Estandard Sq., Semnan, Iran. Zip Code: 35351-59315
  • Phone: +9823-33605005
  • Email: info@sustp.ir